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Stuck in a rut - need more clients!

  • Member PM.Dip
  • 1 post
  • # 122291


Any advice would be extremely useful. I have been self employed for 12 years and always struggled to bring in the enquiries. All my clients have been word of mouth, except for 3. Tried every marketing possible and nothing seems to work - except networking. I've taken positions at clients but it takes up my time when I need to be in the office. One client asked for a bookkeeper and treats me like an office junior. I've been offered a position at an accountants but he's not sure I can do the job, as I've been self employed for 12 years so he says there is no one to verify what I say. I honestly feel stuck in a rut and don't know which way to turn. Also sick of everyone saying you should be AAT qualified. 

Thanks in advance for any help/advice.

Frustrated Jane

  • Member PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 6 posts
  • # 122292

Hi Jane

Your post rang so many bells...

I just wanted to send some moral support as I have struggled to find any clients as well (apart from doing my partner's books and SATR). I could trot out all the advice which others usually offer (many times on many forums) but I have tried all of those things with no success. LUCA-level bookkeepers don't believe you when you explain that none of the standard methods have worked for you (because they worked for them). 

I am now pulling myself out of the rut and seeking other ways to scratch a living. I will keep one eye open on accounts assistant/bookkeeping roles on an employed basis but, like you say, employers want AAT qualifications (even ACCA or ACA). Most employers (including those working in accounts!) don't know who the ICB are or what they do. I have spent a few uncomfortable minutes in interviews trying to explain that the ICB is a real thing and the qualifications are equivalent to AAT - to blank stares. 

Good luck going forward, I know it doesn't feel that way when all the LinkedIn and Facebook posts are filled with triumphalist back-slapping award winners but trust me, you are not alone. 


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