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Available for Sub contracting or self employment

  • Member PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 60 posts
  • # 122822

Dear All,


I have spare capacity to take work on sub contracting if any one is looking to outsource.

I am based in London and can work remotely with ocassional meetings in person if required.

I use ICB's AML online for due dilligence and Client Engager for onboarding process.

I am certified to undertake the following tasks being a license holder:

Bookkeeping, accounts payable, accounts receivable, bank reconciliation

VAT returns

Payroll, CIS 

Year end/Management accounts

Financial Statements

Corporation Tax Returns

I can work any of the following software :


Free Agent


Quickbooks online

Nomisma (Nomi)

Dext, Auto Entry, Hubdoc


Edited at 12 May 2024 07:01 PM GMT

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