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Auto-enrolment solution accredited by ICB. See you at the Summit.

  • 5 posts
  • # 101971

Hi all

Our Auto-enrolment solution has recently received accreditation from the ICB, something we're very proud of. I'm pretty sure that a lot of members are very confused and bewildered about how they're going to tackle AE, hopefully aeComply will give you the confidence to meet the challenge head on.

it's not just about the software, we'll be looking to support you with other 'tools', such as marketing support, an off the shelf pension scheme service, and various managed services that could take a lot of the pain away.

if we don't see you at the Summit, hopefully we will catch up soon.

  • 5 posts
  • # 101972

Simon Leyland said:

Hi all

LEBC's Auto-enrolment solution has recently received accreditation from the ICB, something we're very proud of. I'm pretty sure that a lot of members are very confused and bewildered about how they're going to tackle AE, hopefully aeComply will give you the confidence to meet the challenge head on.

it's not just about the software, we'll be looking to support you with other 'tools', such as marketing support, an off the shelf pension scheme service, and various managed services that could take a lot of the pain away.

if we don't see you at the Summit, hopefully we will catch up soon.


  • 491 posts
  • # 101974

Hi Simon

I've been looking at the website and it looks interesting. I look forward to speaking with you / hearing from you at the Summit.

Is the software intended to help us, as bookkeepers, only if we employ staff ourselves, or is it going to be available to us to use and integrate with our payroll clients?

If it will be available for us to use for our clients - will we have to have a different login for each client, or is there a 'dahsbooard' type facility that enables us to login, then select the client that we need to check/update etc?


  • 5 posts
  • # 101978

Hi Carol, thanks for posting. The software can be used directly by employers but we're really aiming it at the bookkeeper to use themselves and integrate within your client bank for the benefit of your own clients. We intend to provide a certain amount of training, marketing support, FAQ's, user guides etc to make the journey a little more comfortable.

Don't panic, there's just one log in and you'll be able to view all your clients. The project planner is a great feature and allows you to manage all your  clients AE requirements in one place.

Plenty of other features that we can explain in good time. Looking to give you access to a 'straight through' pension scheme as well for your clients. We've been listening quietly to the micro market for some time now, so we think we've covered most bases. 

We intend distributing full details after the Summit and we're also hoping to see members as we visit some of the regional meetings.

Hope this helps.

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