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Website hosting and Design

  • 7 posts
  • # 114350

Good afternoon all,

I recently qualified for sole trader and partnership accountiung and bookkeeping, will be getting my licence once I have filled it in and sent it off, but I need to get to work now on wetting up.

I am an accountant, I am good with numbers, I am a good organiser, I am absolutely useless at all things technical and artistic (when I say uselss I mean it).

I have read that it is not necessary to pay a designer to get a professional website, but i am not confident. I want something easy on the eye that is attention grabbing but not gauche.

Would other members recommend I spend time looking at other websites, and try to do my own, or pay for a professional?

Do other members have suggestions as to the best hosting and, if I try my own design, best building applications?

I know there is a webinar coming up, but it is over a month away, and I would like to be up and running by then, not still be waiting for a website, so suggestions here would be very helpful.

Many thanks in advance. 

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