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Altering Payment Frequency

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  • Practice Licence
  • 6 posts
  • # 82868

Altering Payment Frequency  

Weekly to Monthly

Altering payment frequency should only be done on a ‘Good Week’.  This means it should coincide with the end of the tax month in the tax calendar.  For example:

Tax week 4 of this year was all in month 1 so this is a good week to change.  If you changed frequency on week 5 this would be a ‘Bad Week’ as the 5th and 6th of the month are in this week which is part of month 2.  This means that some of the free pay would be applicable to month 1 and some would be applicable to month 2 so the system would not allow it.  Remember the tax calendar goes from the 6th of one month to the 5th of the following month.

Following is a list of ‘Good Weeks’ and ‘Bad Weeks’.  Check against the tax calendar and you will see how it works.  You should continue to pay weekly until a ‘Good Week’ to change frequency which will allow a clean month to begin monthly payments.


Tax Year 2012 - 2013


Good Week     4

Bad Week       5          5th and 6th in the week


Good Week     8

Bad Week       9          5th and 6th in the week


Good Week     13


Good Week     17

Bad Week       18        5th and 6th in the week


Good Week     21

Bad Week       22        5th and 6th in the week


Good Week     26

Bad Week       27        5th and 6th in the week


Good Week     30

Bad Week       31        5th and 6th in the week


Good Week     34

Bad Week       35        5th and 6th in the week


Good Week     39

Bad Week       40        5th and 6th in the week

Good Week     43

Bad Week       44        5th and 6th in the week


Good Week     47

Bad Week       48        5th and 6th in the week


Good Week     52

Bad Week       53        5th and 6th in the week


It is vitally important that payment frequency from weekly to monthly only be changed on the above ‘Good Weeks’.   No other weeks would be acceptable.

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