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Norfolk group?

  • Member PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 7 posts
  • # 114602

Hi, does anyone know if there's an active Norfolk group? I've requested to join the Facebook group but not heard anything.

I'm currently studying for level 3 so I can get a practice licence but would like to meet others in the area to discuss going into practice. I have plenty of accounting experience but need some advice about setting up.




  • Fellow PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • Practice Licence
  • 150 posts
  • # 114603

Morning Sam,

There is a Norfolk group. I'm currently trying to arrange a meeting and
get someone to come and do a talk at it.

The Facebook group is controlled by ICB central, and I have asked them to
accept you.

At one point there where two groups for the Norfolk branch, though one of
them should have been closed down, so just to make sure that you are trying
to join the correct one here is the link.

Norfolk branch chair

  • Member PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 7 posts
  • # 114604

Cheers Torben I'll give that a shot and look forward to a meeting!

  • Fellow PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 16 posts
  • # 114774

Hi, I also requested to join the group but have heard nothing. A meet up soon would be great!

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