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VAT Returns

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  • # 122396



Once you have completed the I.C.B level 4 exams will you be qualified to submit VAT returns for a small business?


Thank you

  • 4 posts
  • # 122398



I'm pretty sure you can do this with the level 3 qualification. Level 4 is for self assessment.

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  • # 122400

level 3 qualified said:



I'm pretty sure you can do this with the level 3 qualification. Level 4 is for self assessment.

 Thank you for your reply.  Much appreciated.

  • Member PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 60 posts
  • # 122521



You can submit VAT return for clients once you have complted level 3 but need to have a practice license. 


Thank you very much.


Kind regards.

  • 1 post
  • # 122585

Mehul said: mr mine


You can submit VAT return for clients once you have complted level 3 but need to have a practice license. 


 Thanks so much.

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