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Hello from a curious mind!

  • 82 posts
  • # 70228

Good afternoon!

Just wanted to say that I'm really enjoying the ICB course (studying to MICB level) and don't know why I didn't look into bookkeeping as a profession earlier.

I have a quick question though: am currently studying Level 3 unit on Limited Companies and note the reference to Companies Act 1985.  I was wondering if the ICB had updated the study materials given the Companies Act 2006 is now in force?

Also, does the 2006 Act have any major implications on bookkeeping functions as I'm learning them? 

  • Fellow PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 115 posts
  • # 70239

Infinite said:

I have a quick question though: am currently studying Level 3 unit on Limited Companies and note the reference to Companies Act 1985.  I was wondering if the ICB had updated the study materials given the Companies Act 2006 is now in force?

Also, does the 2006 Act have any major implications on bookkeeping functions as I'm learning them? ”

Hi Infinte

I'm not a legal expert but as I understand it the CA2006 supersedes CA1985 rather than repeals it, so if something is mentioned in CA1985 and is not referred to in CA2006 then it is still in force - which is probably why most bookkeeping courses refer to CA1985, because what they are refering to is contained in CA1985.

With regards your second question, there are probably lots of company lawyers studying it and may not come up with an answer before another Act is passed ;)


  • 82 posts
  • # 70245

Thank you both for clarifying...I had vaguely come to the same conclusion after posting.  I have a tendency to over-think things and, therefore, occasionally lose sight of what's relevant!

Mikeee: I'm totally with you on the lawyer thing :D 

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