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  • Fellow PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 258 posts
  • # 71079

Hi All,

Was wondering if there was anyone else out there working full-time and running their business part-time? Or if anyone has been in this position and has had the courage to "take the plunge" and go self-employed full-time?

I'm hoping to go fully self-employed by the end of the year but it is hard to find clients while working full time. I need some inspirational stories!

  • 273 posts
  • # 71085

Hi Lady M

I started by telling everyone I could that I was a bookkeeper and about to start my own practice.  I ended up with 3 start up clients all of whom I know through work or friends.  I also had a client from an age ago that wanted me to do more for him. 

To a certain extent it was good timing that worked for me - I'll be leafleting during the summer hols round businesses that I know have just started up and popping leaflets into sports centres and community centres so I can catch the aerobics teachers etc tax returns....

I'm loving it although there are always time that they all want something done now.....!

  • 109 posts
  • # 71093


I have also been telling anybody who will listen that I have set up my own practice, and I have done a mailshot to 350 local businesses, and so far I have 1 self assessment tax return and 1 partnership return (and one of those is my in-laws!!) - neither of them coming from the mailshot.

I am hoping that business will pick up as I am taking the plunge at the end of August and giving up childminding.  If I don't have enough business by then I am planning on temping until I do as I have a large finance background so should be able to get some temp work.

I have applied to a couple of the vacancies on the website, but I tend to find that that area doesn't get updated regularly - as I have looked at ones the day they appear and the closing date has already gone.  I have applied anyway explaining this and heard nothing back from them - not sure if the email applications are getting through or whether they just don't like me!!

I think it depends a lot on where you live, and timing - I am not sure you can go on other peoples experiences - you either have to hold your nose and jump in, or hold off until it is a little less risky.

Whatever you decide, good luck!

Kind regards


  • Fellow PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 111 posts
  • # 71264


I am taking the leap as we speak. I'm the sole earner in my family (hubs looks after the kids - I'm so lucky to have him). I finish my 'employed' job this Friday and I'm not in the slightest bit nervous! Just so excited about the future.

I'm waiting for my Level II comp results, I have the Level II manual booked for 6th June and will be applying for the practice licence as soon as I can. In the mean time I've got a bit of work with my father in law doing admin bits and I'm joining networking groups and attending business link workshops to build up contacts.

I'm taking a big leap and the risk is all financial but I've got back up plans coming from all angles and I'm ready to take on temp or part time work if I need to in the early stages.

I decided to do it this way and just go for it, because like you, I just wouldn't have been able to work the hours I do and try and build a business. It would have taken way too long for my impatient liking!

If you believe you can do it and want to do it, then go for it! You'll probably find the only person stopping you - is you.

Good luck, you can make it happen!


  • Fellow PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 258 posts
  • # 71400

Thank you all for your encouragement! I guess I'm just a big scaredy cat!

Don't think I'm ready to take the plunge quite yet but I'm getting there!

  • 46 posts
  • # 71449


Yes, I'm now doing this full time, and this week have come off benefits due to landing a big contract which takes me over my work allowance. It's more a case of HAVING to go self-employed, as I am a single mum with limited support network for holidays etc. I need the flexibility to work when it suits me, not be tied to a certain time and place every day/week.

I've found networking to give the best results. I currently work with:
A sign printer (as and when)
A house builder (one a week)
A local government funded organisation (once a week)
An airline uniform designer (twice a week)
An online grocer (as and when)
A retail outlet (as and when)
and hopefully a florist and a small printing business (both in the pipeline).

The sign printer, housebuilder, government funded organisation, retail outlet and print business have all come from one contact I made while in employment. The grocer came from advertising in the local paper, designer from an agency, and the florist from a chance encounter. Total spend on advertising and marketing = £70 ish.

I'd say make as many personal links with as many people as you can. But most importantly, ensure you are confident in what you can do....if you're not confident to do the job, potential clients will sense it and be scared off.

Also, remember you are a salesperson. You are selling your services. The key to any good salesperson is likeablility - slyly befriend people first, then mention what you do.

Lastly, take it slowly. Don't expect or dream of having a full diary straightaway, you'll never cope with the pressure.

That's my take anyway.

Good luck!

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