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Blog, video uploaded onto Website- How can it be used as marketing tool?

  • 328 posts
  • # 76951

Hi Everyone,

Has member set up a blog and benefited from it?

I heard blog, clip video and social network have been used to get a website on top of search.

I would like to know members thought on blog especially.

Kind Regards,


  • Practice Licence
  • 195 posts
  • # 77023

Hi Nathalie

I have a blog on my website which clients love! I'm not sure if it has attracted me any new clients but I use it to send out information on things such as HMRC updated and newsworthy items. I also use Facebook and Twitter in my business name. I'm not sure what video content would be relevant or useful to a bookkeeper's website though...

I must admit that I need to do more work to understand SEO but have an inkling that Kris might be able to help with this...


  • 1159 posts
  • # 77036

Blogs tend to rate higher in terms of Search Engine Optimisation, but only if they are updated regularly with relevant information.  There's nothing worse than a blog, or news section that was last updated 3 years ago, it says "I don't care".

So, if you can afford the time to update it regularly, go for it.  If not, don't touch them.  I have guides on my site which are similar, and one particular guide is the highest entry page on my site with the exception of the index.  This is because many people search for the subject on google and few sites seem to address it.


  • 328 posts
  • # 77042

To Clare and Kris,

Thanks for your reply.

I will do more homework and eventually will be adding it to my site later.

I agree with Kris to get the best of blog in terms of optimisation, regular updates are crucial.

Kind Regards,


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