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My story - 1 year on

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  • # 78610

Hello all, I am coming up to a year with the ICB and I thought I'd share my progress with you all. But first a bit of background.

Previously I had worked in employment in accounting and some form or another - cashier, purchase ledger, sole bookkeeper, etc. I had become pretty competent in doing my job - made lots of problems on the way but ended up in a sole BK role for a small company.

In July 2010 I moved house, became a single parent and became redundant, all on the same day! I decided that I'd take the summer off working so I could settle in to the new house, and also settle the kids over the school holidays.

While the kids were spending a few hours here and there with their dad, I offered to help out the business situated next door to where i'd been made redundant from. It's a small company - 2 owners plus 2 casual workers - and there accounts were in a right state. I stripped their Sage accounts and rebuilt it, without errors, and gave their BK lots of training. Their Accountant loved me as it meant less work for them.

By the Sept I had to decide what I was going to do for work, so after lots of thinking decided to try out being self-employed. My confidence was at an all time high but I didn't know how to get the elusive first client. I tried advertising in shop windows, local newspapers and local small business networking websites but nothing came of it. I even tried emailing the contacts that i had come to know while i was in employment, but still nothing came of it.

I registered with HMRC as a sole trader in November, but without any business.

My first client came via the company i'd helped out. They mentioned that a local organisation was losing their BK, so I rang them up for a chat. I had to submit a tender, but a month or so later landed the contract. I'm still there.

I then decided to get some accreditation and join the ICB and worked my way up to Associate and get my practice licence. 

Next came a phone call from an Accountant of a local practise, who had been given my details by one the contacts I had emailed. One of his clients was looking for a BK, and would I be interested. I jumped at the chance and took on the contract. His son is a self employed builder, and he asked me to keep his books too so I agreed (just up to TB; SA is left to the Acct). The son's Acct is so pleased with my work that he wants me to take on some of his clients' BK - that will be happening later this year.

The Accountant from the very first business I helped out has since passed me 2 of their clients, one in May last year, and one this week.

An employment agency that I used to know gave me contact details of a small business that was looking for a BK - I've been with them since June last year.

Just before Christmas I was contacted by a local man who had got my details from one of the local business networking websites, and I start with him next month.


So the moral of my tale is - if you have no experience then do what you can to get some. Voluntary roles - church, youth groups, etc. Once you have got experience, network all you can, make and keep friends in the industry, and make a good name for yourself. But the most important thing is - set yourself a goal and find out who you are. If BK is for you then work hard and stay focussed.

Helen x

  • Fellow PM.Dip
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  • # 78629

Hi Helen

Thanks for taking the time to tell us your 'one year on' story.  It's so nice how everything comes together, and gives hope to those who just haven't managed to find that first elusive client. 

For me, I started my practice 9 months ago.  I have a varied background, a Retail Marketing degree, 12 years in Human Resources,  6 and a half years running a Dales pub with my husband, and then four years since then working part time as bookkeeper and office manager for a butcher come farm shop.  I decided that as I enjoyed the bookkeeping side I would gain some formal qualifications so I could take on some freelance work alongside my part-time job.  I am also a parent of two teenage children.

My first client was a recommendation by a friend of mine to a relative of hers, about 6 weeks into my practice.  My second client, after two and a half months, looked for a bookkeeper on Google and my website came up first and he took me on;  my third was a recommendation by my first client; my fourth saw an advert in the Parish magazine and wanted me to run his payroll;my fifth client is a friend who runs a bed and breakfast business locally, and my sixth client was a recommendation from the same friend as my first client.

I opted, rightly or wrongly, to advertise with PAges, with an advert targeted specifically to areas near me, and I have had no enquiries whatsoever, after 5 months of advertising (although the book has only just been distributed out).

I also initially wrote to all local accountants making them aware of me, and apart from a couple of very early referrals which came to nothing the process of contacting accountants was a waste of time.  However I think I will send out another letter with some business cards just to remind them that I am here.

SO for those reading my story, my recommendation is that the word of mouth route is by far and away the best method of finding new clients. 

Good luck to all those still waiting - it WILL happen, honestly! 

  • Member PM.Dip
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I am still looking for that elusive first client, I have adverts up in local shops, peice shops etc.  Website which came wih free Google Adwords and Facebook ads.

I contacted various local accountants, one of who passed my details onto another accountantc who contacted me to carry out subcontract work and then can cancelled our meeting at the last minute.

I have taken out an ad in the local free magazine which comes out quarterly (next issue out in March) and passed my cards out to all sorts of local people.

Hopefully perserverance will win out.

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