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Level III Legal Bookkeeper exam

  • Fellow PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 16 posts
  • # 100889

Hi All


With the recent changes in the exam structure, I was just wondering if this exam was still being offered for those of us working towards the old level 3 (as I can't now see it on the new website) or will it be included in the new 'Diploma' level?


Thnaks in advance,



  • Member
  • Practice Licence
  • 25 posts
  • # 101760

Hi Kim,

Did you get a reply on this offline? so to speak


  • 33 posts
  • # 101768

Hello Kim,


I was also doing this course but was under the impression it was no longer offered.  I switched to the ILFM and completed there Diploma course, it is a really good course and i would strongly reccommend it for anyone embarking on Legal Bookkeeping/Cashiering.


Kind regards


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