HI Linda
Well done for being pro-active however although there is no right or wrong way to go about it, it may be your targeting in the wrong places.
What type of businesses are you counting as the 400 leads. Have you contacted accountants - the smaller ones tend to outsource till they have enough work for a full time employee. Are you contacting new businesses, sole traders?
How have you advertised yourself in the two local books. Does the ad give much indication of your services.
The local shops / cafes. How often do you see people looking at the shop window / counter at any of the ads. Do you ever look at the other ads?
My suggestions would be
Find out the names of the local accountants and ring or email the main person.
Find out what networking groups are in your area - you don't say you are doing any of this. It does take a while to build up relationships but this is where my first few jobs came from.
Be flexible - are you prepared to work on-site. Half of my clients I work on site with.
If you still want to use the current methods you are using then if you want to forward me copies of your advert, letter, website, business card I am happy to look at them and possibly suggest ideas. emai is liz@oakbookkeepingservices.co.uk
Edited at 08 Jan 2016 01:06 PM GMT