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Corporate Tax Qualification from ICB

  • Fellow
  • Practice Licence
  • 11 posts
  • # 113516

Hi everyone Smile


Im fairly new to ICB and looking for an advise. I  have just started my bookkeeping course and completed Level 2. Im aware I need to completed Level 3, Level 4 Advance Bookkeeping and Self assesment exam in order to become qualified bookkeeper. However I would like to gained Corporate Tax qualification aswell. Is Level 4 advance Bookkeeping will enable myself to assist Corporate Tax for my future clients or is there any further qualification I need to obtained first before I can Provide Corporate TAx service. Please Kindly reply and thanking for your coperation. Even a small advise would be helpful for me to understand when practising bookkeeping.



Puvanan Smile

  • 15 posts
  • # 113521

quirennpuv said:

Hi everyone Smile


Im fairly new to ICB and looking for an advise. I  have just started my bookkeeping course and completed Level 2. Im aware I need to completed Level 3, Level 4 Advance Bookkeeping and Self assesment exam in order to become qualified bookkeeper. However I would like to gained Corporate Tax qualification aswell. Is Level 4 advance Bookkeeping will enable myself to assist Corporate Tax for my future clients or is there any further qualification I need to obtained first before I can Provide Corporate TAx service. Please Kindly reply and thanking for your coperation. Even a small advise would be helpful for me to understand when practising bookkeeping.



Puvanan Smile

 Hi Puvanan

You are probably better completing another the Association of Taxation Tehnicians qualification after the ICB this will give you the grounding you need for Corporation Tax.



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