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Exam instructions!

  • 5 posts
  • # 114022

Ok so below instruction so if I need to enter a minus figure (because the question asks you too) do I do -####.## or (####.##) this is the BA5 exam I failed once I hope it wasn't because of something silly like this!

As a general rule, all figures should be entered as positive numbers, regardless of whether they are to be added or deducted, unless a) the answer is one where the final result is negative, or b) a question provides specific instructions that override it

  • 3 posts
  • # 114039

I had the exact same problem! I took the BA5 exam, thought the exam went well and understood the questions (or so i thought) but I got 70% and lost all the marks on one section. The one where you had to write positive numbers and negative numbers. As you say the instructions do not tell you how they want you to write positive and negative numbers.

I'm a bit put out as I obivuosly had to pay for a new exam and am reluctant to start it without knowing how you are required to write negative and positive numbers. 

  • 5 posts
  • # 114040

Hi I contacted ICB direct and they told me the online rogo system accepts either -####.## or (####.##) and my mistakes were genuine.

Good luck taking the retake 

  • 3 posts
  • # 114041

forgot to say that I too wrote negative answers as -0000.00 but did wonder if it should have been (0000.00) 

  • 3 posts
  • # 114042

thanks for the reply, i wish you could see which answers were wrong though. hope you got on ok on the retake.

  • 5 posts
  • # 114043

I know would be a help apprantly you can if you contact icb and pay £25 admin fee.

My retake was great got 100% Smile

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