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Norfolk branch meeting?

  • Fellow PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 16 posts
  • # 116126

Are there any plans for a Norfolk branch meeting? Is there any interest? How many members are we? Smile


  • 6 posts
  • # 116146

Hi David,


In response to your query, there are no announced Branch meetings for Norfolk as of yet. Just want to give you an option for attending a meeting near you in the meantime! I can confirm that there is a Branch meeting in Lincolnshire scheduled for 8 February 2018. You can find more details here: 

Be sure to check back on the Events section of the ICB website to see if there are any Norfolk meetings planned in the future. Keep an eye on the ICB Norfolk Branch Facebook page as well, as any upcoming Norfolk branch meetings will also be posted there.

I hope this helps!

  • Fellow PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 16 posts
  • # 116148

Thanks for your reply Kemi, but I wouldn't say that the Linclnshire meeting is near me at over 100 miles away!


I guess that as nobody else has replied to this topic there is either not a lot of interest or not many of us in Norfolk?


I will keep checking back

Edited at 22 Jan 2018 07:57 PM GMT

  • Fellow PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • Practice Licence
  • 150 posts
  • # 116151

Hello David,

There used to be branch meetings, in (west) Norwich, about 18 months ago, and there was about 10 regulars that turned up for meetings.  I would be very interested in attending if they started up again.

I would be willing to help organise meetings, if someone could be persuaded to take on the chairperson role.


  • Fellow PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 16 posts
  • # 116152

Hi Torben

Unfortunately I am not in a position to become chairperson having never attended an ICB meeting before, however hopefully someone else more experienced would like to volunteer and we could start up regular meetings again.



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