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Claiming for new Glasses and Eye tests - Via Self Assessment and or Limited Company Accounts

  • 4 posts
  • # 118000

Hi There you accounting experts,

I'm a bookkeeper for a chap who is a one man band and a limted company.  He's asked me if he can put his eye test and new glasses through his accounts, either the self assesment part or his limited company accounts and it's now his year end.


The accountant he uses says "No way", but I'm sure he can under curtain criteria.  Would anyone here have experience of this as I've tried to fathom this little conumdrum out via HMRC website to no avail! 

I would really appreciate your help and thank you in advance.


Kind Regards


Ruth Aficb

  • Member PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 3 posts
  • # 118011

Ruthu said:

Hi There you accounting experts,

I'm a bookkeeper for a chap who is a one man band and a limted company.  He's asked me if he can put his eye test and new glasses through his accounts, either the self assesment part or his limited company accounts and it's now his year end.


The accountant he uses says "No way", but I'm sure he can under curtain criteria.  Would anyone here have experience of this as I've tried to fathom this little conumdrum out via HMRC website to no avail! 

I would really appreciate your help and thank you in advance.


Kind Regards


Ruth Aficb

Hi Ruth,

I think the below is a pretty good guide.

As with so many of these things the answer relates to continuity of supply, and the use being specific to the business:


There are conditions that must apply in order to claim tax relief on eye tests and glasses;

- The provision of an eye and eyesight test contact lenses or glasses which is deemed necessary, is required under the Health and Safety at work regulations.

- The eye tests, contact lenses and glasses referred to above are made available generally to all those employees in circumstances where compliance with the regulations is necessary. 


Where glasses or contact lenses are prescribed and are unrelated to VDU use at work or are used for a purpose other than work such as driving, watching TV, etc. This would fail the wholly and exclusively for business purposes test.

Where your company pays directly for eye tests and glasses in these circumstances the details are declared on form P11D and your company will pay Class 1A NICs. If you incur the cost and are reimbursed by your company then this amount is treated as earnings and should be processed via company payroll.

Hope it helps you decide what is appropriate in your situation


  • 4 posts
  • # 118012

Thank You Ali,  

I shall pass this on to the accountant and person who wishes to claim.  I know he stares at his VDU 24/7 but also wears his glasses for personal use too.  Maybe they can come to splitting the bill 50/50 between business use and personal, if it’s allowed. 

Kind Regards


Ruth Smile

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