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Past Exam papers

  • 1 post
  • # 118191

Good Morning,


I know this has been asked before, could any one possibly send any past exam papers for level 2 manual.


Any help would be greatly appreciated

  • 1 post
  • # 118337

Janmpy said:

Good Morning,


I know this has been asked before, could any one possibly send any past exam papers for level 2 manual.


Any help would be greatly appreciated



I would like past exam papers on level 2 A1 if anyone could help that would be great

many thanks

  • Student
  • 1 post
  • # 122882


Please could anyone help me With Past exam papers, or

know of a great extra resources website that would help

Please and Thank you


  • Member PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 60 posts
  • # 122883



You can not have any past exam papers. Only thing you can do is to try mock exams.

More mock exams you do you get knowledge.

There are also books available for practice.

ICB have an online exam only.

I hope these answers your question.


Thank you very much.

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