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Hello from new MICB member and question regards supplementary qualifications???

  • 6 posts
  • # 119465

Hello ICB Community!

I passed my L3 Bookkeeping & Accounting last week and am an excited new MICB and to join the Community!

I am now considering the potential benefit of studying additional supplementary qualifications before trying to start a practice as I think these would add depth to my offering to prospective clients.  Also, as a new service provider, my relative lack of experience industry will make wining early new accounts more challenging so would presumably be helped with additional professional credentials!?

Would L3 Diplomas in Payroll Management and Costing & Budgeting help and be suitable/best??

Any help / or thoughts from my more experienced Community colleagues would really be appreciated!!

Richard72 Smile

  • Member PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 60 posts
  • # 119468

Hi Richard,

Congratulations for your achievement.


You can start with Payroll and then move to Level 4 courses like Self Assessment Tax Returns, Corporation Tax Returns and Financial Statements for Small and Medium size Businesses and newly added Business Insights which includes Costing and Budgeting.


Thank you very much.

Kind regards,

Mehul Dave MICB

  • 6 posts
  • # 119473

Hi Mehul

Thank you for your reply, it is really useful.

I assume the benefit of which additional qualification/knowledge base will depend on the target client base.  I thought I might start with payroll but if I want to start working with start-up companies (?) they might presumably often be sole-traders and not have payroll requirement? Self-assesment and corporation tax would presumably be useful to start-ups but any suggestions on other relevant services to start-up business would really be appreciated?

Thanks again

Richard MICB

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