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Set up charge for new accounting package

  • Member PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 39 posts
  • # 122692



Has anyone ever had any experience in the following please, and if so could they give me any guide lines on the charges?

I am a self employed bookkeeper for a rapidly growing company who has just purchased a bispoke accounting software package.

I was led to believe that the company supplying the software was also going to set up and transfer the data from the old software across to the new but have not done so in regards to opening balances etc, all they have transfered across are the existing invoices on the customer and supplier accounts.

It is now down to me to set up the whole system, which is not a problem but I think that there should be a suitable fee for this as I am the only one who can do it and it is going to take some time to complete.

If anyone has any experience in this it would be greatfully received

Thank you

Rachel Smile    


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