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Level 3 Bridging Course

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  • # 122785


I have been studying the Level 3 bridging course for months now and have sat a mock where I got 75% and the pass mark is 87%. I then sat an actual exam and thought I did really well on it but got even less at 67%. 


I am putting in all the hours to study but feeling a bit flat as doing it around full time work and a baby! I will carry on how I am studying out of the text book and practising with mocks but didn't know if anyone had any tips that might be able to help me :)


Thanks in advance Smile

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  • 4 posts
  • # 122792

Hey Anna,


I've nothing specifically useful to offer I'm afraid - I'm new to ICB study and exams myself (member by exemption).


Do you get feedback on where you've dropped marks - is it consistent areas?  


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