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VAT on an Invoice from the Republic of Ireland

  • Member PM.Dip
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  • # 122832

It's time for fun.  VAT on an invoice from the Republic of Ireland.

I have a client who purchases a new monthly subscription from Adobe.  The invoice comes from the ROI.  

The invoice states "Reverse Charge Supply - Customer to self assess VAT GB429340791"

My client is VAT registered.

I have not had to deal with an invoice like this before.  Can anyone please help me get this processed.  I'm using Xero.

Do I enter it as Reverse Charge Expenses 20% or Zero rate it please?  



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  • # 122833

Hi Steve,

You should enter it as Reverse charge expenses, it will then appear in both box 1 and box 4 of the vat return so the net effect will be zero



  • Member PM.Dip
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  • # 122834

Thank you very much for replying Terry.  I assume as long as the text shows the same on the botttom of the invoice, then I use reverse charge for all EU acuisitions?


By any chance do you have a good CPD link on post brexit VAT please?





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  • # 122835

Hi Steve

Yes that's right.

Sorry I don't have anything specific to hand




  • Member PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 14 posts
  • # 122836

Thank you Terry.  Gap in knowledge identified.  I have found an upcoming HMRC webinar on VAT, so it will be a good refresher for me.  It's CPD time!!!!!





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