Thanks for sharing your journey so far. What opportunities are you looking for please? Do you want to work in the industry or do you want to set up your own book keeping/acccounting firm?
I was under the impression ICB has support groups and help to set up own practice once you are qualified. Did you not find such support services since you are now qualified?
Have a look at the below url. It has alot of information.
A4 Guide to starting your bookkeeping business ICB has produced a handy A4 guide to answer the important questions about setting up a bookkeeping business. ICB can send this to you in the post together with an application form for a Practice Licence and information about compulsory insurance for your business.
Please call or email ICB to request the guide, quoting your ICB Number.
0203 405 4000 info@bookkeepers.org.uk
Benefits for Members with a Practice Licence Practice Licence holders benefit from enhanced access to the restricted content within the Running a Practice section of the website. You can see what sort of content is included from the right hand menu and it includes:
Advice on marketing and advertising Advice on contacting accountants and potential clients Discounted Professional Indemnity Insurance Downloadable templates for letters of engagement and contracts
Hope this helps
Best wishes,