There have been changes to the ICBenefits which may affect your access to the platform

To ensure ICBenefits continues to be smooth and reliable for users, there is going to be new IP ranges added to access the site. Sound confusing? If you use Network Allow Lists at home or in your office, whereby it restricts certain IP addresses, your attention is required by 31 October 2020 to prevent problems with accessing ICBenefits. If you’re unsure whether you use a Network Allow List, or what IP addresses are, then please get in touch with your IT department. If you don’t have an IT department, then it is likely that you don’t have any access restrictions in place.


 Additional IPs

 Web Traffic:


Existing IP Range

 Further information will be provided when existing IP ranges can be removed from your network allow list.

Verifying the Change

There is a dedicated page allowing you to check the IP range. This can be accessed here. If the new IP range has been approved, the word ‘’ok’’ will appear.

Where will the changes appear?

The changes will appear if you have a system that has a Network Appear List via the internet. This could be on your Office network or installed on your laptop.

What devices will the changes appear on?

The changes will appear on any device which is connected to the system which restricts access. This can be a laptop, mobile phone, tablet, etc.

Does this affect the app?

Yes, but only if you have a system in place that restricts access.

Isn’t a Network Allow List more for larger businesses?

Some small businesses that take security very seriously may have a system in place that would restrict access to unapproved URL/Sites/connections.
