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Northants branch

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  • # 83020

Is thereanyone in the county of Northamptonshire who would be interested in establishing a branch to provide regular meetings, networking opportunities and CPD.   Contact me on

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  • # 102614


Did you find anyone for a Northants Branch?

I live in Northamptonshire and I'm struggling to find anywhere to go. Currently I work in Gloucestershire during the week so I attend the Gloucestershire Branch meetings whenever I can.

But I'm moving back home permanantly in December and I'm looking for a local meeting to attend.




  • 11 posts
  • # 102845


I am in Northants too and have been wondering where the Northants branch is!!

Not currently up for the full tilt of organisational responsibilities as I am a full time mum right now but will be setting up a new BK practise next year.... I am very interested in a Northants branch for the coming new year though......

Would be interested to hear more from others in the area....


  • 170 posts
  • # 102849

We have not been able to create a  Northants branch to date due to lack of interest.  Any member wishing to assist in  the development of a new branch, please contact me, Ken Bell, Head of Regions UK. With the help of a local member and the ICB regional section, we can organise, advertise and launch a branch in the New Year.

Contact details -   07904205149

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  • # 102870

Ken Bell said:

We have not been able to create a  Northants branch to date due to lack of interest.  Any member wishing to assist in  the development of a new branch, please contact me, Ken Bell, Head of Regions UK. With the help of a local member and the ICB regional section, we can organise, advertise and launch a branch in the New Year.

Contact details -   07904205149

 Off the back of this post, I am the chair for the Buckinghamshire branch and we are not too far from Northants. In fact we have a meeting coming up on Monday 1st December and any new members are very welcome. I do in fact have several members from that area, so till you have something more local why not come and join us. Our speaker on the 1st is from Sage, not to push software, but to show the benfits of leadership rather than management. We look forward to welcoming any new members, even on a one off basis.

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  • # 107077


Now I have got all my exams out of the way, I keep thinking about this Northants Branch.

Can you tell me some more about it?

What is involved and what support and help I would get?

Thank you



  • 11 posts
  • # 107119

Sherri said:


Now I have got all my exams out of the way, I keep thinking about this Northants Branch.

Can you tell me some more about it?

What is involved and what support and help I would get?

Thank you



 Me too!! I too have just got exams out of the way and have been thinking of this. Perhaps we should connect and discuss????

It is certainly time there was a Northants branch methinks!!

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  • # 107124

JoJoDeLaGiGi said:

Sherri said:


Now I have got all my exams out of the way, I keep thinking about this Northants Branch.

Can you tell me some more about it?

What is involved and what support and help I would get?

Thank you



 Me too!! I too have just got exams out of the way and have been thinking of this. Perhaps we should connect and discuss????

It is certainly time there was a Northants branch methinks!!

 Maybe we could share it as I also work full time as a Quality Engineer and often work odd hours. I'm concerned that I may have to miss meetings that I have organised on occasion. 

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  • # 107139

JoJoDeLaGiGi said:


I am in Northants too and have been wondering where the Northants branch is!!

Not currently up for the full tilt of organisational responsibilities as I am a full time mum right now but will be setting up a new BK practise next year.... I am very interested in a Northants branch for the coming new year though......

Would be interested to hear more from others in the area....


 Hi Jo, 

contact me so we can club together on this. My email is

i think it would be good to do this together, morale support and stuff. I work full time as a quality engineer so my spare time is random too! 

In the future I would like to set up a practice too.



  • 170 posts
  • # 107140

We have not been able to create a  Northants branch to date due to lack of interest.  Any member wishing to assist in  the development of a new branch, please contact me, Ken Bell, Head of Regions UK. With the help of a local member and the ICB regional section, we can organise, advertise and launch a branch in the New Year.

Contact details -   07904205149

Hi all,

Please see above - the situation remains the same. We need a local member or members to get this started! Contact me directly for details.

Ken Bell

ICB Head of Regions UK

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  • # 107163

> Hi Ken,
I'll give you a call this week.



  • 11 posts
  • # 109079

What a great first Branch Meeting we had today for Northampton.

A big thanks to all who attended. It was nothing short of exciting to meet new faces and to plot our next few sessions. The venue was a big hit and Highgate House proved to be the perfect setting. The Meeting was positive, supportive and fun and the attendees proved to come with a range of experiences and backgrounds.

Many thanks to Ken for travelling to spend time with us and getting us kicked off in earnest. Ken's input was particularly valuable.

For anyone interested in future sessions we are likely to hold meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of the month; excluding August and December but this is still to be confirmed.

I am looking forward to the next Meeting and hope that we attract the interest of even more new faces. Needless to say, I am looking forward to getting to know everyone who was there today better still.

With relish!


Branch Chair: Northampton

  • 17 posts
  • # 109263

Hi all

I had an email today inviting me to the next meeting on Wed, 10 July...10th is a Friday.

Am I right in thinking it will be 9:30 am on Wed 8th July?

This will be my first ICB branch meeting so not sure what to expect but looking forward to meeting everyone :)


  • 11 posts
  • # 109266

Hi Christina,

The correct day and date is FRIDAY the 10th July on this occasion.

The intention for future dates is for the second Wednesday of each month excluding August and December. However on this occasion we could not secure the venue for the Wednesday.

The meeting start time is 10am. With a gather for coffee and chat at 9.30am.

We had a great first meeting and we are keen to welcome more members. Here's to a great second meeting and seeing you there! :-)


Northants Branch Chair

  • 17 posts
  • # 109269

Hi Joanne

Thanks for clarifying that.  I'm booked in so I'll see you on the 10th :)


  • 9 posts
  • # 109275



ive just booked for the next meeting, I couldn't make the 1st one so really looking forward to meeting you all on the 10th, sounds like it will be worthwhile.

Lorraine x

  • 9 posts
  • # 109513

Thanks for a great meeting, was a pleasure to meet everyone, and I left feeling very positive and much so that I've just booked a ticket for the summit on the 12th!


Look forward to seeing you all again in September 😁

  • 83 posts
  • # 109920



I am a newby in Northampton and have just found this on the Forum.  When is the next meting scheduled as I would love to attend and meet everyone.



  • 11 posts
  • # 109922

The next session is September 9th and the subject is on Auto-enrolment! And we would love to see you there and meet you! Smile


  • 83 posts
  • # 109931

Hi Joanne.  

Great - I'll be there.  Looking forward to meeting like minded people and learning all I can.  Is this at Highgate House again - 9:30?


  • 11 posts
  • # 109935

Yes. Highgate House. 9.30 Meet and coffee and chat for a 10am start time. It's a nice group; very supportive and like minded! Smile

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  • # 110146



I am a newly registered student and would be interested in attending branch events.


Unfourtunately I have a prior engament that I cannot change for the next meeting.


I only received notification of this event this afternoon.


I would appreciate information about future events.



  • 9 posts
  • # 110155

Hi everyone, I'm sorry but I'm not going to make today's meeting now, I've been struck by the lurgy so don't want to spread my germs, dosing myself up and heading back to bed.

I would really appreciate any info from today's meeting please, and hope to see you all again at the next one.

many thanks,


  • 83 posts
  • # 110186



As per Joanne's suggestion I hope I am in the right Forum area.  I am attending the Summit and Dinner and live in Cogenhoe Northampton.  I was going to go down on the train but if there is an option for car share or similar then I would be very interested.


Thanks.  Sue Rose

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  • # 110188

Hi all,

I'm attending the Summit but not the dinner. I'm travelling by train from Warwick but I don't think there is anyone else going from around here. Perhaps we could arrange to meet up at the venue? It'll be my first event so I'm not sure what to expect, although I'm really looking forward to it.


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  • # 110189

Hi Mark,

shame you couldn't make it this week but hopefully we'll see you in October :)



  • 83 posts
  • # 110191

Hi Jo


Good to hear from you.  This is my first one as well so no idea what to expect.  Hopefully the others from the Northampton Branch will be meeting up as well, it was suggested we communicate arrangements through the Forum, but in any event we will arrange something piror to the day to meet up so we can support each other.


  • 17 posts
  • # 110206

Hi all


I've just booked my ticket for the summit (I'm not going to the dinner).  I'll be travelling by train from Milton Keynes but probably arriving a bit late so will have to catch up with you there.


Looking forward to it Cool



  • 9 posts
  • # 110341

Hi everyone, 

does anyone know what time the bookkeeping summit finishes? I'm already going to be in London for the weekend so staying over Sunday evening, but wasn't sure what time train I would need to book for the return? Also I can't seem to find any information on what time the event starts etc, will we receive anything prior to the event or do we just take our email booking confirmation along as proof of attending?

happy to meet up somewhere with others who are going, my email is if you need to get in touch.

will be my first time attending, so not sure what to expect but looking forward to it.


Hope to see some of you on the 12th x

  • 83 posts
  • # 110342



It is my first time as well.  I checked with them because I couldn't find the times anywhere either.  I was told registration will start at 9:15 for start at 10:00 and the dinner should finish around 10:00pm.  I will be taxi-ing from the venue to Euston at the finish so if you want to share that would be cool.  I am still hoping to find someone to travel down with or share transport but not heard a peep yet.  Think I will purchase my train tickets on line next week if still dont hear.


Hope to meet up.





  • 9 posts
  • # 110343

Hi Sue, 


Thanks for your response, unfortunately I'm not staying for the dinner otherwise I would've shared with you Smile



  • 83 posts
  • # 111369

Is the meeting still on for Northampton Branch on the 14th October at Highgate House please?  If so wuld you also advise of the start and finish time as well.


Thanks   Sue

  • 11 posts
  • # 111396

Hi Team Northants!

The Branch Meeting IS STILL on tomorrow! There has been a problem with the Booking Form - but come along regardless!


We have Alison Stewart coming to talk with us about all things marketing.


Usual time. Usual place.


See you there!



  • 9 posts
  • # 112054

Happy New Year everyone!


is the meeting still on for this Wednesday? I have managed to swap my working week around so hoping to make this one.





  • 9 posts
  • # 112147

Hi Jo,


Just wanted to check to see if you emailed anything after the last meeting, i.e The letter of engagement template, as I haven't received anything.  My email address is just incase you have something different.


thank you 😁

  • 17 posts
  • # 114570


I have just booked on for my first branch meeting next week.  Just wanted to check if there is a Northants Branch facebook page or anything?  Last post on this forum was Jan 16, so not sure?!

How long does the meeting normally last?

Thanks a lot. 


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  • # 114571

Duffer said:


I have just booked on for my first branch meeting next week.  Just wanted to check if there is a Northants Branch facebook page or anything?  Last post on this forum was Jan 16, so not sure?!

How long does the meeting normally last?

Thanks a lot. 


 Hi Catherine,

we have a WhatsApp group but no FB page yet (as far as I'm aware!).

I should be at the meeting next week so I can add you then if you like.

Meetings are scheduled from 9.30-12 although people try to meet in the cafe from 9 if they can, for a chat. They normally end on time at midday.

Hope to see you next week.


  • 83 posts
  • # 114572



Thanks Jo you beat me to it.


Look forward to seeing you all next Wednesday.





  • 83 posts
  • # 115183


Hi everyone.  This forum has not been used very much of late so I am hoping to resurrect it.  It would be nice if you could just respond so I know people are picking up the posts.

For those who weren’t able to make it today (14th June) I am pleased to advise that Simon and I have reversed roles and I have now been voted in as the new Chair for the Northampton Group with Simon as the Vice Chair.  I hope those of you who were unable to attend the meeting are happy with this decision.

Today’s talk on VAT schemes went down very well and I am in discussion with MacIntyre Hudson regarding future talks.  If there is any subject any of you would like to be covered either from them or otherwise please let me know so I can see what can be arranged.

The subject of next month’s meeting (12th July), was to be “AMLR Annual Refresher” but I am afraid Stuart Morris, who usually gives these talks, has now retired so I am waiting for the ICB to advise me when a replacement is found.  In the meantime, I have also requested a visit from Gary Carter as I know he does visit groups on occasion.  Again, I am waiting confirmation on whether this can be arranged for our July meeting but I will let you know as soon as I hear. 



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  • # 115184

Hi Sue,

I enjoyed today's meeting (as much as it's possible to enjoy VAT anyway!). Look forward to more activity on the Forum and social media.


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  • # 115185

I actually received an email to say there was a post on the forum, so that worked!

Thanks for organising Sue

Catherine Smile

  • 83 posts
  • # 115348

Excellent to see that two people have already booked for the September meeting and it is only July.  


Love it!!




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  • # 115350

I would love to attend this meeting as it's the closest one to me, However as it starts at 9am and I have children to drop off at school. I would be late as its around half hour from where I live to the meeting.

Would this be a problem if I was late?

  • 83 posts
  • # 115351

Hi Helen.


This is not a problem at all.  We usually meet in the coffee lounge at 9:00 and then go on to the meeting room at 9:30.  We already have a couple of members in the same boat as you and turn up as soon as they can.  

Even if 9:30 is a little early you could still come along if you wish as soon as you can after that and we will try to make sure that you catch up with what you might have missed when we have a break in the middle.

I would recommend you try at least one meeting as everyone who attends finds them very beneficial and everyone is so friendly.  We are building up a nice little group now and it would be great to see you there.



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