Correct Details
Candidates must ensure their full name, postal address and email address details are correct prior to application for any examination. Candidates can check this information by logging into MyICB or by telephoning ICB on 0203 405 4000.
Candidate's Responsibilities - home-based examinations
ICB cannot be held responsible for loss of internet access, computer breakdown or any other problem arising from technical issues on the candidate's personal computer.
Candidates must ensure they have sufficient facilities to complete the assessment within the allotted time-frame before they apply. It is the candidate's responsibility to carefully check all answers before submitting their assessment.
Candidate's Responsibilities - invigilated examinations
ICB remotely invigilates the Level 3 M8 exam and candidates are responsible for going through the system check prior to their exam, as detailed when they book. Candidates will be required to show valid in-date ID that matches their name as it appears on their ICB account. or more information about the M8 exam and accepted forms of ID, please visit the link below.
> M8 exam and ID information
Qualification certificates will be issued within 28 days of a candidate's results being authorised by ICB.
Qualification certificates will display the full name of the candidate as it appears in the MyICB online area. If the name is not as the candidate wishes it to appear, the candidate must contact ICB on 0203 405 4000 immediately, prior to completion of the exam. If changes need to be made to the certificate following issue, the candidate will be charged a replacement certificate fee.
Lost Items
Certificates are legal documents; if they are lost or damaged, they can be replaced for a £25.00 fee and will be marked 'Copy'. Please contact ICB on 0203 405 4000 if you require a replacement or believe your qualification certificate has been lost in the post.
Authenticity of work
Examinations must be completed by the candidate alone, and candidates are not permitted to request any help from the ICB, their tutor, or online forums. Candidates must also ensure that they do not post on online forums any questions from their question paper as this will invalidate their work and render the examination paper unusable by future candidates.
Candidates may be required to sign an 'Own Work Declaration' to confirm that any submitted work is their own.