Mr Nikolai Glinkov has made a career starting from an economist of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, deputy CEO of the international auditing company BDO, up to the Executive Director of Belgazprombank OJSC. He has taken 6 ICFM, EMBA qualification courses.
“Personal professional development is my credo. To make a career you need system knowledge, tools, abilities of risk management, understanding of the financial background and the specifics of your customer. Knowledge of the International Financial Reporting Standards has already become an obligatory qualification requirement in the market of the Republic of Belarus.
The ICFM qualification courses and programmes provide tools for career promotion, widening the scope of tasks and solutions.
The international qualification diplomas DipIСFM (UK) currently provide an undeniable advantage in the human resources market for the positions of executives and managers as well as specialists in the banking and financial sectors.”