Accounts or Finance Assistant Apprenticeship

 Level 2  12 months    Max funding: £7000   ST0608

Maintaining an efficient and accurate finance function within a business

pdfLevel 2 Accounts or Finance Assistant occupational standard

pdfAccounts or Finance Assistant Apprenticeship assessment plan


On-Programme Learning



 On-the-job learning at the employer's normal place of work. Whilst working, the apprentice develops the knowledge, skills and behaviours of an
Accounts or Finance Assistant

20% off-the-job training. As part of their training apprentices will be required to take two exams (A1 and A3) from ICB’s Level 2 Certificate in Bookkeeping


The employer, training provider and apprentice meet to review progress and decide
if the apprentice is ready for End-Point Assessment

End-Point Assessment (EPA)

The EPA consists of two assessments which ICB delivers online


Integrated Knowledge Test

1-hour one-to-one interview conducted online.

The interview allows the apprentice to demonstrate competence in: Professionalism & Ethics; Communication, and Digital Technology in bookkeeping & finance.
There is no requirement to produce a portfolio of evidence.

Apprentices are expected to pass the A2 exam from ICB’s Certificate in Bookkeeping.

Upon successful completion of the EPA, the apprentice is awarded the

Accounts or Finance Assistant Apprenticeship

and can apply to join ICB as an Associate Member (AICB)


What next?

If you would like further assistance, you can:

We are open from 8.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday

I chose to do an ICB apprenticeship to further my knowledge and understanding. Jo Burke, Assistant Accountant
Read Jo's apprenticeship story