Apply online or over the phone
Students and members can apply for assessments and order mock papers either online or by telephone. Your course provider may cover the cost of your assessments and have to make the booking for you, so you should always check with them first before booking.
NOTICE: The Payroll and Tax exams are tax-year specific. Please ensure you select the appropriate tax year upon booking. ICB takes no responsibility in the event that you select an exam for which you have not studied and ICB will not be able to transfer you to an alternative assessment after booking. In this event you will be required to make a new booking.
Booking Online
Log in to MyICB and select Book Exam from the menu.
If you would like to order a mock exam please visit the Shop
This service is available 24 hours a day.
Booking by Telephone
Please call us on:
0203 405 4000
Our office hours are:
Mon-Fri 08:30-17:30
Your ICB membership or student registration must be current. If you are not already an ICB member or student you need to Register as a Student with ICB before you can book an ICB exam. If you are studying with an ICB Accredited Training Provider (ATP) they will take care of your registration and exam bookings for you and you should contact them.
Most ICB exams need to be completed in order so you will find that you can only book certain exams. For a full list of exams and their entry requirements please visit Current Qualifications.
Where will I take the exam?
ICB exams are available online for you to take at home or your place of work. All ICB exams are open book with the exception of M8. M8 is a remotely invigilated exam and ICB uses remote proctoring (invigilation) technology to enable you to take your M8 at home under our supervision. Please see here for further details Remote proctored exams (
For more information please visit
> Taking an assessment at home
Who books the exam?
If you are studying with one of our Accredited Training Providers (ATPs) they will advise you when you are ready to take an assessment. Please do not attempt to take any assessment until you have their agreement as they wish to ensure you have successfully completed all studies with them first and are ready to be assessed. Your ATP may book your exam on your behalf or they will advise you to contact us directly. Please check with your ATP before attempting to book an exam.
If you are a studying independently you can book exams either online or by telephone as soon as you are ready.
When can I take the exam?
ICB exams are available in every day of the year.
If you have an Accredited Training Provider (ATP) please contact them to determine the date of your exam. If you are studying independently you can book your exams at any time either online or by telephone.
Online exams are available to you to complete immediately upon booking. You will be emailed a link to complete the exam online which must be accessed within two weeks of the booking.
For important details please visit:
> Taking an assessment at home
Can I cancel?
Online exams may only be cancelled under special circumstances and you must contact ICB as soon as possible to discuss this.
Can I retake an exam?
Yes. Because ICB exams are available in every week of the year you can retake your exam as soon as you're ready, but you must wait for a period of 24 hours before re-booking. After three failed attempts you'' be asked to take a break of at least two months before you can re-apply. Your two months will give you the opportunity to revise the subject thoroughly; take ICB mock exams (if you haven’t done so before) and discuss your performance with your training provider (if you have one).
You will be required to pay the standard exam fee for your retake.
Time barring
Five years is the maximum gap you can leave between exams or before taking up a membership offer. If you're not a member and your last exam was passed more than five years ago, you'll be asked to start again and retake your exams.
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