You'll receive your results instantly for most exams, and in less than 28 days for the rest

The majority of ICB exams are computer-based and marked instantly, meaning your result will be viewable shortly after your exam in MyICB.

M8 exams are taken under remote invigilation. All invigilation recordings are reviewed prior to approval and results being issued. In normal circumstances, results will be issued within 5 working days.

There may be periods of time when results will be delayed pending routine verification. This may happen when new exams are released. The instructions at the start of each paper will indicate when this is happening.

Results may take up to 28 days for the following exams only:

A3 - Bookkeeping to Trial Balance using Software
P3 - Diploma in Payroll Management

Please note our customer service team does not have access to your result so is unable to discuss your mark over the telephone or by email.

Exam Feedback

For most exams and online mock papers you will see automatically generated feedback on your results. Automatically generated feedback are available for the following assessments:

Level 2 Certificate in Bookkeeping: A1 and A2

Level 3 Certificate in Bookkeeping and Accounts: M4, M5, M6, M7 and M8

Level 3 Diploma in Payroll Management - online section only

Level 4 Advanced Diploma in FS, CT, SAT and BI


The online feedback is available to view in MyICB > Check Results once you've completed the paper. You'll be able to see your mark allocation and an indication of topic areas where you missed out on marks, including brief, general, explanation of that topic area. The feedback is generated by the loss of marks, not the nature of the error you made. 

The feedback report will not fully replicate the exam questions or provide model answers for security reasons.

For mock exams the feedback report is more comprehensive and you will be able to view the exam you completed showing each question with your answer shown against the correct answer. 

ICB does not offer further feedback in relation to online reports and will not disclose the questions or answers on papers.

Personal Feedback Report

Should you require further insight into your performance, a personal report can be produced, detailing the nature of the errors that you made. This will need to be written individually by a subject matter expert and hence there will be a fee. The personal feedback report will give an indication of what you did wrong for each mistake and give some guidance on how you should prepare for a subsequent exam attempt.

Please contact ICB to request personal feedback on 0203 405 4000. There is a charge of £65.00 payable at this point by credit or debit card.

Personal feedback reports are only available if the result of the paper was issued within the last six months.

Personal feedback reports are NOT available for the M8 exam or the Member Entrance exams offered via the exemptions route.

Querying your result

Following an unexpected result you can make a query for a review using our formal process. 

If a candidate believes that marks have been incorrectly allocated or missed, or that ICB's normal procedures have not been applied, the candidate must contact ICB requesting a review of the marking of the paper. Contact must be made in writing or by email to The candidate will be sent an application form which should be completed, detailing the examination taken, stating if there are any particular tasks/questions they wish ICB to investigate, and to provide payment of £65.00. You will receive a personal feedback report as described above. 

If your mark is amended as a result of the marking review you will receive a refund of the fee. 



Bookkeeping is a regulated profession - find out what bookkeepers must do to comply with the MLR legislation.

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Advice on running your own bookkeeping business and information on ICB's Practice Licence scheme.

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If you are an experienced bookkeeper or have comparable qualifications, you may be able to gain an exemption from ICB examinations.

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Join us online for the biggest ever global gathering of bookkeepers. #BookkeepersSummit

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