You are not alone. We have the resources you need to prepare for your exams.
Practice makes perfect. Improve your chances of exam success by practising with ICB question bank books, mocks, and the new online Study Hub.
ICB Question Bank Books - by post
*NEW for 2023* Now you can gain confidence by practising example questions for the A1 and A2 exams! Order your own printed books to test yourself. Feel confident that you know what you're doing in each topic area before you book your mock or real exam.
What's included?
You'll receive a book in the post, full of questions and model answers. Currently there is a book available for both the A1 and A2 exams (Level 2). A1 and A2 ICB question bank books cover the whole syllabus and all the topics you'll need to know to pass your exam.
All questions reflect the style and content of questions you will see in the A1 and A2 exams, so you'll have no surprises when you come to the real thing.
Why use question bank books?
- Go at your own pace
- Hold a physical book in your hand, write notes and practise any time anywhere
- No need for technology, devices or the internet!
Question banks v Mock exams
We recommend using a blend of mock exams and question bank books in the run up to your exams because:
- Question bank books let you drill the questions you want to focus on, and you can check your answers straight away
- Online mock exams help you become familiar with the exam platform, the layout of the questions, and the time limits
How to Order
Visit our online Shop or call us to order an A1 or A2 question bank book to be posted out to you.
Alternatively, get an online copy of both books included when you purchase access to the Online Study Hub.
ICB Mock Exams - online
Mocks or 'Practice Papers' are available to purchase from the online Shop 24 hours a day and are available immediately. You can also call ICB to order a mock or ask your Accredited Training Provider.
Why use ICB mock exams?
Mocks make an excellent tool for exam preparation and we strongly suggest that you should attempt at least one. Mocks give a good idea of what the actual exam is like and can help you learn to pace yourself to complete the questions in time.
Please be aware that each exam and mock may only cover part of the ICB syllabus and you should therefore not assume that because a topic isn't included the mock it won't appear in the exam itself. Knowledge of the full ICB syllabus is essential.
All mocks are online timed 'simulations' that mirror the actual assessment experience so they make a great final step before doing the real thing.
How do mock exams work?
Once booked from the online shop or over the phone, your online mock will be available immediately in MyICB.
The time allowed for completing your mock is identical to that for the real exam. However you have a period of 28 days in which to access the mock (rather than 14 days for the real thing).
Once you have completed and submitted your mock onscreen, you'll see a breakdown of which, if any, of your answers were incorrect. In mocks only you'll be shown the full question and the correct answer. For real exams you'll also receive a report on where you went wrong but, for security reasons, you will not be shown the full question and the correct answer.
Where mocks are a combination of online questions and computerised downloads your result will be graded only on the online sections. You will need to download the model answers for all computerised sections and check your reports against these.
How to Order
Visit our online Shop or call us to order a mock exam. You will have 28 days in which to access it.
Alternatively, speak to your training provider to see if the cost of mocks are included with your course.
ICB Study Hub - online
*NEW for 2023* For independent students learning alone, or anyone looking for some extra revision resources, we have created a new online study hub for Level 2 exams. Visit the online Shop to get 12 months' access to all this and more:
- Question Bank Books
- Practice questions and model answers for the A1 and A2 exams (in online pdf format)
- Help Guides
- Level 2 Revision Guide
- Glossary of bookkeeping terms
- Double Entry summary
- How to calculate VAT
- Worked Examples
- Bank Reconciliations
- Journals
- Cash Sales
- Set-Offs
- Blank Excel Templates
- Ledgers
- Cash Book
- Trial Balance
- Journal Table
- Videos
- Double Entry Bookkeeping in a Digital World
- VAT in all its glories
- VAT changes in the CIS
How does the ICB study hub work?
You'll have unlimited access to the online hub for 12 months. You can log in as many tim es as you like to access your content, including online versions of the Level 2 question bank books.
There is only one Study Hub available currently - it covers the Level 2 exam syllabus (exams A1, A2, A3)
How to Order
Visit our online Shop or call us to get access to the Study Hub. You will receive 12 months' access which can be extended if necessary.
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The Luca Awards are the profession's annual celebration of outstanding achievement and contribution.
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Read our selection of helpsheets & case studies for help with your professional work & bookkeeping studies.
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If you are an experienced bookkeeper or have comparable qualifications, you may be able to gain an exemption from ICB examinations.
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